Note Tool

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The Note tool is used to place notes in the video images.  Notes can have a pointer or be pointer or just a simple text box. 



To create a note, follow these steps:


1.        Activate the Note Tool from the tools menu or click the Note tool on the toolbar.  You can also use the shortcut Alt+N.
2.        The mouse cursor will change to  NoteCursor
3.        Click were you want to place the pointer and then where you want the note or double-click were you want the text box if no pointer is desired.
4.        Use the cursor to scale the text box to fit the text.
5.        Type your text and then press Enter.
6.        To edit your note, double-click or right-click/properties on the note.
7.        To cancel the note tool, simply select the note command again or press ESC.


ImportantA note is only created in the current frame.  If you want the note in all video frames, then right-click on the note and select Copy Note to All Frames from the popup menu.