Options: Marker End Points


This optional add-on will try to find the end points of a marker using the marker outline created when performing auto-tracking.  In order for this add-on to function properly you need to adjust the threshold so that the marker outline follows the actual marker.  Please see how to perform auto-tracking for more information on setting the threshold.


The following dialog is displayed when selecting Marker End Points.  Note;  If you have disabled this dialog, you can re enable it by holding down SHIFT while selecting "Marker End Points" menu.




Minimum Blob LengthThe minimum number of marker outline points needed.  This will depend on the video resolution and marker size.
Use as Sample RateThis is used for calculating derivatives and filters.
Filter LengthLow pass filter length.  The longer the more the outline will be filtered but may reduce the accuracy of end points.
Filter Lowpass FrequencyLow pass filter cutoff frequency.
Derivative LengthNumber of samples used for derivative calculations.  More samples will cause less noise but also decrease the precision of location of end points.
Length ToleranceThe number of samples between the two points should be about half the number of outline points.  This is how much this can deviate.
Sample ShiftNumber of samples to shift the end points.