


MaxREAL is a low latency, real-time 3D and 6DOF motion capture software.  Designed for easy of use and speed, MaxREAL delivers 6DOF (3D) data from 2 or more cameras.  It can use both simple rigid bodies with 3 markers as well as advanced rigid bodies with 4 to 16 markers for marker redundancy and occlusions.  Calibration of the system is done using a dynamic wand method for optimal accuracy.


Data is streamed using TCP/IP protocol and the output can be 3D or 6DOF data of each of the detected rigid bodies and can be aligned to global or local coordinate system.  The output can also be saved as C3D or ASCII files for off-line review and analysis



MaxREAL was developed by  Innovision Systems, Inc..  For information about related products and services as well as the latest versions of MaxREAL, please visit our Web site at:




