Extended Header Information

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The following type of Extended Headers have been defined


'9'        Command Extended Header (CEH).  Used to send commands to the host (MaxREAL) application so it can be controlled remotely.


Command Extended Header Format


General Format of the Command Extended Header:

<space><module><command><property><parameter type><parameter>


Where these are currently defined



























Camera Set command properties valid with <space>'W' and <module>'I'


Exposure.  Sets the cameras Exposure.  Type Integer with valid range 0-100


Gain.  Sets the cameras Gain.  Type Integer with valid range 0-200


Threshold.  Sets the cameras Threshold level.  Type Integer with valid range 0-255


Frame Rate.  Sets the frame rate.  Parameter Type integer


Marker Size filter.  Type Integer where the lower 16 bit is min size and upper 16 bit is max size.


Marker Intensity filter.  Type Integer where the lower 16 bit is min intensity and upper 16 bit is max intensity.


Max Marker Size Difference.  This is the difference between X and Y marker size.  Type integer with a valid range of 0-255.


Roundness.  Sets max slant of a marker where 0 denotes a perfect circle.  Type integer with a valid range of 0-255.


Tracking Set command properties valid with <space>'W' and <module>'T'


Set Body Definition.  Parameter can be one of '3', '4' or 'P'.  To make sure that the correct body definition file is being loaded when using a file, the file extension should be one of .BD3 or .BD4.  Loading a body definition file will reset  tracker settings to the defaults so this should be the first command before changing any other tracking settings.  Also Note;  The current selected Tracker Type must match the Body Definition file.  The correct sequence of commands is:

1.Set Tracker Type
2.Select Body Definition File
3.Set additional Tracking Parameters

Current version of MaxREAL only supports this command with the 'P' parameter


Max Residual.  Sets the Max 3D tracking residual.  Type float


Tracker Type.  Select the tracker.  Type Integer.  Can be 3 or 4.


Predictor Window.  Parameter Type Integer


Acceleration Factor. Parameter Type integer.  Valid range 0-100


No of Bodies to track.  Type Integer


Tolerance.  Sets the body recognition tolerance.  Type float.  Valid range 0-100


Filter.  Set the filter coefficient for the Complimentary filter.  Lower value means less filtering while a higher number will filter more.  Type integer.  Valid range 0-75.


<parameter type>


ASCII.  In this case <parameter> is an integer with length of ASCII stream.  The ASCII stream will follow directly after the CEH.


Single Precision Floating Point using little endian.


32 bit Integer using little endian


XML.  <parameter> is an integer with length of the XML stream.  The XML code will follow directly after the CEH


Script.  <parameter> is an integer with length of the Script.  The Script contents will follow directly after the CEH.


File or Folder Name.  <parameter> is an integer with length of the name.  The file or folder name will follow directly after the CEH.


Body Definition type 3.  <parameter> is an integer with length of the contents.  The Body Definition will follow directly after the CEH.


Body Definition type 4.  <parameter> is an integer with length of the contents.  The Body Definition will follow directly after the CEH.