Client Commands

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The commands to the MaxREAL Streaming Server are sent as one or more ASCII characters followed by a <CR> ('\r').  Note; the command characters are case sensitive. 


The following commands are available:



Format.  Selects the streaming packet format.  The 't' character determines the type of information that will be sent and the 'v' selects the format version.  Please see the packet formats for more information regarding the Type and Version


Begin Streaming.  This will start streaming data in the current format.


Ends Streaming Data.  To start streaming again, send the 'B' command.  Please note that any data generated after sending 'E' will be lost.


Select protocol type to use where 'w' can be one of:


Basic 2 way protocol.  Streaming will be ready as soon as connected and a frame will be sent with each 'S' command.  This protocol can only be used with 3D data using single precision floating point, i.e. Type = '3' and Version = '1'.

Note; The server will start this protocol as soon as it has received this command.  Any other commands except 'S' will be disregarded after selecting this protocol.


Use 1 way protocol.  The server will send a frame as soon as it is available.  This is the default protocol for MaxREAL.


Use 2 way protocol.  This requires the client to send a 'S' character before each frame is transferred to the client


Reduce update rate to x times where x is a hexadecimal number between 0-F encoded as ASCII (0-15) where 0 is no reduction and F (15) will reduce the update rate by 16 by skipping 15 frames for each frame.


Extended Header to follow this command.  The extended header can contain commands to control the host application (MaxREAL) as well as download information such as Rigid Body Definition Files and Script Files etc.

'h' determines the type of Extended Header.  It is also the length of the header (0-15) encoded as a hexadecimal ASCII character  Refer to the Extended Header section for more information.


Send Frame.  Note; This command doesn't require a <CR>.


Send Status Packet.  This will send a header without any data attched.  Use this to test the communication and to inquire about the current data type and version.  Note; This command doesn't require a <CR>.

This command can be sent to server without the need to be in Streaming Data mode.  This allows the client to find out the data type and version before entering Streaming Data mode.