Body Recorder Tracker Settings


These tracker settings only apply to the Body Recorder 3D transformation and tracking.  The default settings are the same as being used by the 6DOF tracker settings in the Workspace 3D Tracking Tab.  These values should be good for majority of cases.  However, these settings depends on the type of cameras and the size of the volume.  In general, the larger the volume, the larger the values.


Here are some suggested values relative to the volume.  For static measurements, these values are less sensitive.


Volume Size

Max Residual

Predictor Window

< 1 m

1.5 - 3.0

5 - 8

1 - 1.5 m

3.0 - 5.0

8 - 10

1.5 - 2 m

5.0 - 8.0

10 - 20

> 2 m

8.0 - 15.0

20 - 30

Both the Body Recorder and 6DOF tracker uses the same basic 3D algorithm with one significant difference, the Body Recorder does it's 3D transformation post process while the 6DOF tracker does it in real-time.  because of this, the Body Recorder tracker can do a second pass trying to automatically join broken up segments.




Max Residual


This is used to match camera/marker combinations.  The parameter sets the limit to the distance from the final location of the point in 3D and the intersecting camera ray.  Any camera where it's ray is within this limit will be used for the final 3D transformation.  If the value is to large, you may end up with false 3D points and if it is to low, 3D points will not be calculated.


Predictor Window


Predictor Window parameter (expressed in system units) specifies the maximum distance between a predicted trajectory point and a captured point that assigns it to that trajectory.  The parameter provides for a margin of error in a 3D cube for each frame off the mathematically calculated next position.


Max Autojoin Gap


Max Autojoin Gap is expressed in number of frames between segments.   The Auto join function in the tracker automatically joins obscured segments and the Max Auto join Gap allows for the maximum number of segments before two trajectories can be joined.  The default is 30 frames, and the setting for average data collection is between 10 - 30 frames.  This default should rarely need to be adjusted.




If set, then any gaps in the data will be interpolated otherwise, frames with invalid data will be discarded.




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