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This file contains constants and global variables used to create the UIDs and a number of helper functions to populate the dialogs.  Some of these functions require you to implement callbacks otherwise your script will fail.


MaxA UID Functions


FUNCTION uid_Create( dwOptions AS INTEGER )

Creates the dialog.  The dwOptions parameter is passed to PROPLIST.Create as the panes options.  Please refer to the PROPLIST extension library documentation


SUB uid_AngleSection()

Creates the Angle Section


SUB uid_GraphSection( nView AS INTEGER )

Creates the Graph Section.  The current view is passed to the function.  The view can be one of:




SUB uid_OptionsSection( dwOptions AS INTEGER )

Creates the Options Section using the supplied bit mask.  Currently these options are available:

CONST cOpt_Relative           = 0x00000001

CONST cOpt_Normalize          = 0x00000002


SUB uid_OutputSection()

Creates the Output section


SUB uid_SignalProcSection()

Creates the Interpolation and Filter Section


SUB uid_AddFile()

This will add file(s) using MaxA Environment variables


FUNCTION uid_DoModal()

Starts the Dialog Modal Loop.  This loop will continue until status is set to PL_OK or PL_Cancel or an error condition.  The function will call OnInitializeUID before entering the loop.  The OnValidateResult is then called for every loop.  It will also call uid_EnableDialogButton that will call OnEnableDialogButtons once every loop.


SUB uid_LoadProfile( hMAO AS HANDLE )

Load the current profile from the MAO


SUB uid_UpdateProfile( hMAO AS HANDLE )


FUNCTION uid_GetAngleOptions() AS HANDLE

Retrieves the current angle options and returns a handle to the angle options in the MaxMAL extension library


SUB uid_ClearSelected()

Clears all selected points in the file and point list


Callback Functions that must exist


SUB OnUpdateProfile( hMAO AS HANDLE, strSection AS STRING )

Called from uid_UpdateProfile.  Passes the handle to the options file and the section ot use.


SUB OnLoadProfile( hMAO AS HANDLE, strSection AS STRING )

Called from uid_LoadProfile.  Passes the handle to the options file and the section ot use.


SUB OnInitializeUID()

Called from uid_DoModal before the Modal Loop starts


SUB OnEnableDialogButtons()

Called from uid_EnableDialogButtons.  This function is being called repeatably from within the UIDs Modal Loop



Called from within the UID Modal Loop after the return from PROPLIST.DoModal().  The function is called with the status from PROPLIST.DoModal and the PROPLIST Pane number that triggered the response.  The OnValidateResult function must return one of these codes

PL_OK            Accept current option and start processing

PL_Cancel        Cancel the UID and abort analysis

PL_Update        Process the analysis and update graphs and tables but return to Modal Loop

cGraphProperties Display the graph properties dialog

cSWAP_ORDER      Swap order of signal processing items


Dialog Properties Constants


CONST cSpecifyStartTime       = "Specify Start Time"

CONST cStartTime              = "{>}Start Time (s) "

CONST cSpecifyStopTime        = "Specify Stop Time"

CONST cStopTime               = "{>}Stop Time (s) "

DIM   cPositionView           AS STRING

CONST cCalculateRelative      = "Calculate Relative"

CONST cRelativeMarker         = "{>}to Point "

CONST cNormalizeGraph         = "Normalize Graph"

CONST cNormalizeFrames        = "{>}use Frames "

CONST cGraphControl           = "Graph Control"

CONST cGraphProperties        = "Graph Properties"

CONST cTableControl           = "Table Control"

CONST cTableProperties        = "Table Properties"


CONST cInterpolation          = "Interpolation"

CONST cMaximumGap             = "{>}Maximum Gap"

CONST cCutFrames              = "{>}Cut Frames"


CONST cSwapOrder              = "^    Swap Order    v"


CONST cFilter                 = "Filter"

CONST cFilterLength           = "{>}Filter Length"

CONST cLowCutoffFreq          = "{>}Low Cutoff Frequency"

CONST cHighCutoffFreq         = "{>}High Cutoff Frequency"


CONST cDerivativeLength       = "Derivative Length"

CONST cCalcMagnitude          = "Calculate the Magnitude |A|"


CONST cAngleType              = "Select Type of Angle"

CONST cAngleRange             = "Angle Range"

CONST cAngleUnits             = "Angle Units"

CONST cAngle2DPlanes          = "Project 3D Angle into a 2D Plane"

CONST cAngleProject2ndVector  = "Project 2nd Vector into 2D Plane"

CONST cAngle2DAxis            = "Calculate 2D Angle vs 2D Axis"

CONST cAngleUseOrigin         = "Use Origin as Point B"


CONST cAllCategories          = "*"


Global Properties


DIM g_bUseStart      AS INTEGER

DIM g_bUseStop       AS INTEGER

DIM g_rStartTime     AS REAL

DIM g_rStopTime      AS REAL

DIM g_rStep          AS REAL

DIM g_rMaxTime       AS REAL


DIM g_nInterpol      AS INTEGER

DIM g_nMaxGap        AS INTEGER

DIM g_nCutFrames     AS INTEGER

DIM g_bFilter1st     AS INTEGER

DIM g_nFilter        AS INTEGER

DIM g_nFilterLen     AS INTEGER

DIM g_nLowCutOff     AS INTEGER

DIM g_nHighCutOff    AS INTEGER


DIM g_bCalcRel       AS INTEGER

DIM g_strCalcRel     AS STRING

DIM g_bNormalize     AS INTEGER

DIM g_nNormFrames    AS INTEGER

DIM g_nView          AS INTEGER

DIM g_strPoints      AS STRING

DIM g_strAnalogs     AS STRING

DIM g_nGraph         AS INTEGER

DIM g_nGrid          AS INTEGER

DIM g_nWinPos        AS INTEGER

DIM g_nCatOpen       AS INTEGER

DIM g_nDataType      AS INTEGER

DIM g_nAnglePoints   AS INTEGER

DIM g_hAngleOpt      AS HANDLE


DIM g_ImageFolder    AS STRING